luxury holiday

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Machu Picchu – new routes announced

The Peruvian authorities have recently announced some changes for visitors heading to Machu Picchu. As of the 1st June 2024, in order to guarantee the protection and conservation of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, the site will now have three new circuits divided into ten routes, allowing you to enjoy the citadel from [...]

Guatemala, A Birder’s Paradise

It may be geographically small; however, Guatemala boasts immense natural and cultural diversity. From picturesque beaches to towering volcanoes, and from arid dry forests to lush tropical jungles, the country encompasses a wide range of ecosystems. Within these diverse environments, the country is home to over 700 bird species, at least 40 of which [...]

Luxury travel in Peru

Experiencing the Height of Luxury: Travelling through Peru's Enchanting Landscapes Peru, a land of ancient wonders and breathtaking landscapes, beckons travellers from across the globe with promises of unforgettable experiences. While its rich history and diverse culture are well-known, Peru also offers a haven for luxury travellers seeking opulence amidst its natural splendour. From [...]

Where to travel in 2024

As the New Year approaches many of you will already have trips planned for 2024. We’ve seen a lot of clients booking well ahead for trips to some of our most popular destinations such as Brazil, Costa Rica, South Africa, Argentina, India and Antarctica. Although it’s not one of our featured destinations, we’ve also had [...]